Active Vision at the Foveal Scale in the Primate Superior Colliculus

We have a new review article just published in the Journal of Neurophysiology. The article is part of a Special Call of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM).

In our article, we provide an exhaustive summary of recent findings on the integration of vision and action within the foveal representation of the superior colliculus (SC). These findings provide new insights on how the SC contributes to the generation of tiny eye movements. Moreover, they provide a conceptual framework for understanding how microsaccades may influence peripheral visual representations as we previously showed here, here, and here.

Our article also poses new questions on the role of the SC motor bursts in eye movement generation, in general, as well as on the visual functions of the SC. We anticipate many new insights on SC visual and motor functions soon!

The full article can be read here.