BrainLearn23 on the Pacific Ocean

Our lab is participating in this summer’s scientific program of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics on Statistical Learning in the Brain (BrainLearn23). The program is taking place at the University of California, Santa Barbara in California’s golden coast. The program involves a large group of scientists from multiple disciplines and many locations across the[…]

Conversations across disciplines in Helsinki, Finland

This month, the University of Helsinki held a fantastic multi-disciplinary conference on “Mind and Matter“. It included many interesting discussions on consciousness, language, perception, and even dreams! The event included psychologists, philosophers, and computational neurobiologists. Ziad Hafed participated with a keynote address describing our neurophysiological investigations on active perception. The talk was very well received,[…]

German Primate Neurobiology Conference, 2023, After a Long Hiatus

Our entire lab was very happy to participate in this year’s Primate Neurobiology Conference, which took place at the German Primate Center in Göttingen. This was the first time that this conference happened after it was interrupted for several years by the pandemic, and we look forward to hosting next year’s version right here in[…]

Visual functions of the primate superior colliculus

We have a new review article in press about the fascinating visual functions of the primate superior colliculus (SC). The article appears in this year’s issue of Annual Review of Vision Science, and an early version of it can already be read at this link. Our review article summarizes recent observations about the visual feature[…]

Fantastic science at the CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium in Tübingen

On March 10 and 11, 2023, we helped our institute, the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN), organize and host the 11th CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium. We had an amazing lineup of speakers from the Tübingen Neuroscience Community (NeuroCampus), as well as from several Japanese and Chinese guests! The Japanese guests came from[…]

CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023

The Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) is pleased to announce the 11th CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific symposium which will be held both on-site (lecture hall of the HNO-Klinik: Elfriede-Aulhorn-Straße 5, 72076 Tübingen) and online on March 10 and 11, 2023. The symposium originates from a yearly bilateral tradition of strong joint interactions with the National Institute[…]

Methods and science at the 32nd Annual Oculomotor Meeting MüTüZü

Our lab participated in this year’s annual oculomotor meeting of München, Tübingen, and Zürich, known locally as MüTüZü. The meeting brings together clinicians and scientists from the Southern Germany region interested in eye movements and the vestibular system, and it features an interesting mix of methods developments, scientific observations, and clinical studies. In this year’s[…]

Sun at Neuroscience 2022

Our lab was recently present in sunny San Diego for the 2022 Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference. Besides participating in the Advances in Motor Control Satellite Conference, we also had two other presentations in the main conference. In the first, Matthias Baumann continued to present interesting results on the sensory tuning of superior colliculus motor[…]