Virtual VSS 2020

Our lab is participating in this year’s virtual version of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) conference. This meeting is special because it marks the 20th anniversary of VSS. In our first participation, we also visit an almost 20-year-old problem: that of the link between microsaccades and covert attention shifts. The video below describes Tong’s latest work[…]

A thank you note from Dr. Robert Steinman!

We are truly humbled to have received the following email from Dr. Robert Steinman about our paper on memory-guided microsaccades, published last year in Nature Communications! Dr. Steinman’s work planted the seed for our paper almost half a century ago, and his note is a perfect reminder that science only advances on the shoulders of[…]

New paper in the Journal of Neurophysiology

We have a new paper published in the Journal of Neurophysiology! The paper explores how the superior colliculus (SC) represents visual images as they are moved around on the retina by fixational microsaccades. Our previous work has shown that when stimuli suddenly appear around the time of microsaccades and saccades, then SC visual responses representing these[…]

New paper at Nature Communications

We have a new very exciting paper at Nature Communications. The paper addresses a topic that we, like many others in the field of active vision, had been interested in for a long time, and it contains many exciting and unexpected discoveries in it. Indeed, it represents a real tour-de-force by graduate students Matthias Baumann and[…]