New paper in press at Current Biology

We have a new paper in press at Current Biology. In this paper, we did extensive neurophysiological and structural investigation of the foveal visual representation of the primate superior colliculus (SC). The SC has historically been viewed, in primates, as primarily a gaze shifting structure. It was thus generally assumed that foveal visual scene analysis is the purview[…]

New model of superior colliculus topography

We have recently performed extensive physiological studies of the foveal visual representation of the rhesus macaque superior colliculus (SC). As part of these studies, we have performed dense mappings of the retinotopic topography that is known to exist in this structure. Unlike in classic work, in which the mapping data were very sparse, we fully[…]

The Kyoto symposium on the eye and head movement control systems

Our lab participated in a highly interesting focused symposium on eye and head movement control systems, which took place in Kyoto, Japan. The symposium was a pre-meeting to this year’s annual Neural Control of Movement Society conference, taking place in Toyama, Japan. The symposium featured varied topics from saccade control, to visual consequences of eye[…]

IRTG/CRC Symposium on Active Vision

Our lab participated in a symposium on Active Vision organized by Marburg University. The symposium was made in honor of Klaus-Peter Hoffmann’s 75th birthday. All speakers had an excellent chance to celebrate the highly illustrious career and contributions of Klaus-Peter, and it was an honor and privilege to participate. The symposium was superbly organized by[…]

German Neuroscience Society 2019

Our lab participated in this year’s German Neuroscience Conference taking place in Gottingen. We were part of a symposium on early visual selection, highlighting new results out of the Robust Vision Collaborative Research Centre that we are a member of. Ziad described our results on “a vision for orienting in the primate superior colliculus”!

New directions in systems neuroscience

Our lab participated in a German-Japanese workshop in Tuebingen, exploring New Directions in Systems Neuroscience. The workshop was organized in coordination with the German DFG and the Japanese AMED funding agencies, with a purpose to bring together systems neuroscientists from the two countries. The overall goal was to identify shared interests for future formal collaborations.[…]

29th Ocular Motor Meeting – MüTüZü

Our lab participated in this year’s MüTüZü (Munich, Tuebingen, Zurich) meeting on the oculomotor system. This year’s meeting took place in Munich, and it featured clinical and basic research on topics related to eye movements. The meeting usually involves tours of the local research facilities of the hosting institutions (this year in Munich), and it[…]