Primate Neurobiology Meeting 2017

Our lab has participated in this year’s Primate Neurobiology Meeting at the German Primate Centre in Gottingen. The meeting featured highly interesting keynote lectures by Pieter Roelfsema, Eberhard Fetz, and Mark Buckley. More information can be found here. Our lab presented 3 posters, and Antimo Buonocore also gave a talk about his work on models[…]

New paper on microsaccade control during gaze fixation

Our lab has a new paper published in the Journal of Neurophysiology, in which we investigated the potential mechanisms for controlling microsaccades. These tiny eye movements occur frequently during gaze fixation, and we have previously shown that the superior colliculus (SC), a brainstem oculomotor structure, is involved in their generation. In the latest experiments, we[…]

27th Oculomotor Meeting

Our lab has participated in the 27th Oculomotor Meeting, which took place here in Tuebingen, and which brings together oculomotor and vestibular researchers, neurophysiologists, and clinicians to discuss contemporary topics in the field. The meeting has historically involved participants from cities like Tuebingen, Zurich, and Munich, but there are also other participants from farther places,[…]

New paper on saccadic localization in blindsight

We have a new paper just published, investigating the ability to localize visual targets when a portion of the primary visual cortex (V1) is lesioned. Patients with such lesions lose conscious perception within the affected visual field portion, but they exhibit residual performance capabilities (called “blindsight”). Our collaborators Tadashi Isa and Masatoshi Yoshida have established[…]

New article in the Journal of Neurophysiology

We have a new article in press at the Journal of Neurophysiology. In this study, we explored the phenomenon of “saccadic suppression”, in which sensitivity to visual stimuli is reduced if these stimuli are presented around the time of saccadic eye movements. This phenomenon is normally thought to help us have a stable percept of[…]

Fall Vision Meeting 2016

Our lab presented some of our recent neurophysiological results at this year’s Fall Vision Meeting, which took place in Rochester, NY. The meeting featured a session on microsaccades, and we presented results on how visual sensitivity of superior colliculus neurons can be modulated around the time of microsaccades. Other speakers in the symposium were Martin[…]