Stronger premicrosaccadic sensitivity enhancement for dark contrasts in the superior colliculus

We have a new paper just published here. In it, we explored the phenomenon of premicrosaccadic visual sensitivity enhancement. This phenomenon, which we first discovered ten years ago here, is intriguing. In it, the visual sensitivity of neurons in visual-motor brain structures like the superior colliculus (SC) and frontal eye fields (FEF) is enhanced if[…]

Neuroscience 2024!

Our lab participated in this year’s Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, which took place in Chicago! Carlotta presented an exhaustive comparison of superior colliculus (SC) and primary visual cortex (V1) visual responses. She found that V1 neurons possess non-saturating contrast sensitivity curves, but exclusively for dark contrasts. This suggests that V1 neurons more faithfully transmit[…]

4th Baltic Biophysics Conference, 2024 Kaunas

Our lab participated in this year’s 4th Baltic Biophysics Conference, which took place in Kaunas, Lithuania. Our lab’s work was featured in a special session on visual neuroscience, with talks about the superior colliculus (SC) and the primary visual cortex (V1). In this session, we got a chance to document our extensive characterization of the[…]

Microsaccadic suppression of vision depends on the image being foveated at the time of generating the eye movements

We have a new paper just published in the Journal of Vision. The paper investigates the phenomenon of microsaccadic suppression of peripheral visual sensitivity. In this phenomenon, it is known that peripheral locations away from the line of sight experience a massive reduction in the ability to process visual stimulus onsets, especially if these onsets[…]

Tübingen Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2024

Our lab participated in this year’s annual Systems Neuroscience Symposium of Tübingen. This is a symposium that is sponsored by our institute, the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN), and it features invited speakers from all over the world. The topics covered in this symposium are also very broad, spanning from computational neuroscience to[…]

Fukuoka, Kyoto, Tokyo…Summer 2024 in Japan

Our lab had an extended scientific excursion in Japan this summer! We first started our journey by going to Fukuoka, in the south of Japan. We participated in the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society. The meeting took place in the Fukuoka Congress Center, and it included many scientific sessions covering a broad range[…]