Moving day!!!!

  Our lab officially moves to our new home in the FIN/CIN research building. The facility is in the “Kliniken Berg” hospital complex. Our new address is Otfried-Mueller Str. 25! The picture above shows the site of our lab ten years ago – exactly where the dirt mound is!

Neuroscience 2013

Our lab has two presentations at the 2013 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in San Diego. Chen presents a talk about SC neuronal activity, and Ziad presents a poster on the use of retinal-image stabilization techniques to study important aspects of microsaccade generation.

Okazaki, Japan

  Our lab is participating in a joint symposium between our institute (CIN) and the National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Okazaki, Japan. Physiological, behavioral, and modeling work from our lab will be presented.

ECEM 2013

Ziad is speaking about the decision to fixate or move the eyes at the 2013 European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 2013), in Lund, Sweden. The talk was part of a special symposium on fixational eye movements.