Sensing LOOPS! SPP2411 Retreat in Potsdam

Our lab participated in this year’s Annual Retreat of the BRAIN LOOPS Special Priority Programme (SPP) of the German Research Foundation (DFG)! This priority programme is a consortium of approximately 16 individual research projects from all over Germany, covering different aspects of cortico-subcortical interactions for adaptive sensing.

The retreat took place in Potsdam, near Berlin, and it involved updates on research covering a variety of senses (such as audition and vision) as well as a variety of species (such as bats, primates, and humans).

Our lab gave an update on our work linking superior colliculus to cortical circuits for visually-guided behavior. In particular, we talked about how foveal transient activity in the superior colliculus can be a critical boost for driving reflexive eye movements. We also showed how peripheral transient bursts in the colliculus can be very distinct from those in the primary visual cortex, and we also explored the causal role of both the primary visual cortex and the superior colliculus in visually-guided behavior.

We look forward to future retreats, and to renewed funding of this exciting consortium.