An amazing visit by Prof. Klaus-Peter Hoffmann!

For the last two weeks, we were extremely fortunate to host Prof. Klaus-Peter Hoffmann from Ruhr University in Bochum.

It was an amazing experience for all of us to hear first hand stories on a long, highly productive, and highly successful science career! The insights that he had, and the advice that he gave, were an ultimate inspiration to every single one of us.

His visit was part of a collaboration that we have with his lab, in which we are studying structural and functional organization of the superior colliculus. We really hope that this collaboration will result in interesting results that we can disseminate to the wider audience in future papers.

In addition to the hard work by him and Chen on the collaboration, our individual lab members also had a chance to give him “mini” presentations of ongoing research projects that we are all working on. This was a very fulfilling exercise, with engaging scientific discussions and useful feedback that he gave to all the students in the lab. We also celebrated by organizing a visit to a small castle near Tuebingen.

We are very grateful to have had this exciting visit, and we look forward to several more.