An amazing visit by Prof. Klaus-Peter Hoffmann!

For the last two weeks, we were extremely fortunate to host Prof. Klaus-Peter Hoffmann from Ruhr University in Bochum. It was an amazing experience for all of us to hear first hand stories on a long, highly productive, and highly successful science career! The insights that he had, and the advice that he gave, were[…]

New paper in Current Biology

Our lab has a new article published in Current Biology. Our study describes new findings about functional organization in the superior colliculus (SC), which is a brain structure that is critical for exploration of the visual world with eye and body orienting movements. We were motivated by the possibility of ecological constraints on SC function and organization.[…]

Lab picture by Akshay Markanday

A couple of months ago, our institute started an initiative to update personnel photos, and they commissioned Akshay Markanday for this. Akshay is a PhD student at Peter Thier’s lab in our neighboring Hertie Institute, but he is also a very talented photographer. Akshay was kind enough to also take a group picture for us[…]